We are going to be talking about 3 planning tools to increase the performance of your FMEA audits, some of these are PFMEA specific, but some of these are DFMEA useful as well.
Characteristics Matrix (Strategize your Stations):
What is it?
A PFMEA Auditing Tool
Why use it?
Distributes distinct characteristics along the stations that create them.
How to use?
We like to start at the station with the most characteristics.
Scrap Reports (Get an Idea of Performance):
What is it?
A prioritization and planning tool for both the PFMEA and DFMEA. This is the earliest and most effective indicator of escapes.
Why use it?
The difference between Scrap and PPM à is your detection station.
How to use?
Hit your scrap rates, because if you never make the Scrap you don’t have to worry about the escape from the DFMEA side.
Cost of Quality-CoQ (Impact):
What is it?
A tool to determine internal and external costs which is a primary driver and interest of management.
Why use it?
Improve multiple areas in order to lower internal and external costs.
How to use?
Lower customer PPM, more on time delivery, and lower scrap rates.
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Watch as we walk through the top 5 mistakes we see organizations make when auditing the FMEA process.
We are going to present three simple ways that you can prioritize performance in your FMEA audit to get the support that you need.
We are going to be talking about 3 planning tools to increase the performance of your FMEA audits. some of these are PFMEA specific, but some of these are DFMEA useful as well.
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