This one-day course is an overview of the GD&T concepts in controls necessary for proper engineering drawing reading and creation using the GD&T approach. The course will cover typical issues that can occur when applying a traditional coordinate system and how Geometric Tolerance can overcome them. You will be introduced to the symbols, terminology and the rules for GD&T based on ASME Y14.5:2018.
Select an existing open enrollment session, or contact us for additional training options.
1 Day
*For private workshops for your organization, a one (1) day add-on Application Coaching Workshop service is available based on a customization of additional GD&T exercises.
Live Virtual Only:
Equipment Needed (Live Virtual Only):
Live Virtual only: A second monitor is highly recommended for optimal learning environment.
This Live Virtual Workshop is recommended for engineers and technicians that need to read or create engineering drawing using the GD&T approach. Typically, this includes product engineers and designers, tooling and maintenance engineers and technicians, quality, inspection, manufacturing, procurement, and purchasing professionals, as well laboratory technicians who must perform gauging to layout inspections.
Combining the best of online and traditional face-to-face learning, Live Virtual Workshops use web-based teleconferencing technologies to bring your team together with our experienced instructors in an interactive learning environment. We have always believed interactivity, application, and group discussion are critical parts of an effective and sustainable learning experience. To ensure that these values hold true, and every participant can build the same caliber of knowledge, each workshop includes the following Live Virtual functionality and features:
In this introductory course, participants will gain knowledge on GD&T foundations for reading, designing, and inspecting parts based on GD&T drawings. This is also a great refresher course on GD&T for product, manufacturing, and quality engineers and the APQP multidisciplinary team members in general. The training includes high-quality PowerPoint graphics and use of wood and plastic models to demonstrate physical meaning of each Geometric Tolerance.
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This course is designed for new implementation team members and other representatives from key functional groups involved in the organization’s QMS.
Learn efficiently and cost effectively from anywhere in the world with Live Virtual Training and Consulting. Take advantage of interactive and collaborative learning you and your team need without leaving the home or the office.
FMEA Boot Camp Virtual Seminar Series: Learn the fundamentals of the AIAG & VDA FMEA, linkages between DFMEA, PFMEA, and Control Plans, and how to connect your risk mitigation efforts to the Cost of Quality.
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