APQP/PPAP • AIAG • Public Open Enrollment • In-Person Workshop • Live Virtual Workshop

APQP: Overview

For Awareness and Leadership Commitment

Enrollment Options

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Regular Price

Course Details


APQP is one of the methods utilized in the automotive space to move a project from concept to launch with the intent of minimizing lead times and start up issues. This tool is also the container for EVERY OTHER core tool in the series. If you are serious about learning core tools, APQP is the place to start your journey.

This is a 1-day OVERVIEW course and covers the principles and structure of APQP and is perfect for:

  • The executive or manager looking for an overview of tools their teams utilize
  • Team leaders that need the BIG PICTURE of the process
  • Internal Auditors that may need to become familiar with the tool

We intentionally created this curriculum to be beginner friendly and connect the bigger picture with some detail, but:

  • We did not overwhelm you with the details …so you walk away knowing what the tool is all about and how it can help your organization.
  • We covered the nomenclature, like PHASES, TASKS, GATEWAYS so that you are able to speak the same language as others utilizing the tool.
  • We cover both the technical aspects, as well as the managerial aspects of APQP, so that you walk away being well rounded in both the tech, and the soft side of program management


1 Day (8 Hours)

Learning Objectives

  • Understand General expectations for each APQP task and the higher system level of phase
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of new tasks performed as well as how to measure metrics for APQP
  • Understand and apply the use of each new APQP tool in a real world context
  • Create Linkages between APQP tools at the task level
  • Understand APQP as a system and how it contributes to the business system

Who Should Attend

  • Managers that are involved with APQP projects, either directly or indirectly
  • Engineering and support associates that are involved in individual tasks for APQP projects
  • Auditors looking for more familiarization


Day 1

  • Fundamentals of APQP
  • APQP in the business system
  • Phase 1 overview
  • Phase 2 overview
  • Phase 3 overview
  • Phase 4 overview
  • Phase 5 overview

Delivery Details

Plexus International brings your team together with experienced instructors in an interactive learning environment whether you are joining online or in-person. We have always believed interactivity, application, and group discussion are critical parts of an effective and sustainable learning experience. To ensure that these values hold true, and every participant can build the same caliber of knowledge, each workshop interaction includes the following functionality and features: 

  • Trainers & Moderator support: For every session, both trainers and moderators (or on-site staff) will be present and accessible to ensure optimal interaction for each participant, upholding the intimacy of our training model. Participants may interject and raise hands at any time, speak directly to trainers, moderators, and other participants, and share feedback in real-time. 
  • Exercises & Break-out Rooms: Throughout the session, participants will be assigned to teams and split into breakouts to privately complete group activities and discussions, then returning to the larger group to present. There will also be quizzes (or polls) throughout to measure knowledge retention during the units. 
  • Digital Learning Package or Shipped Materials: Depending on the course, participants may receive a hardcopy of the Participant Training Book and/or receive a digital learning package complete with training handouts, case studies, digital workbooks, and a virtual platform user-guide. 
  • Technical Support & Resources:  If this is your first-time training with Plexus International or in a Live Virtual Workshop environment, we have prepared resources and user guides to help you navigate any conferencing technology and will support your teams hands-on in case you need any extra assistance. Join any session 30 minutes early and a moderator or support team member will guide you in experiencing the key functionalities and features used in our training sessions. 


This course receives a certificate of completion.


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