Designed for new and current internal auditors, this course will provide you with the necessary knowledge of ISO 13485 and the skills to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality management system at your organization. You will be guided through the internal audit process, from planning an audit to reporting on audit results and following up on corrective actions.
3 Days
Medical device quality professionals with knowledge of quality management systems and ISO 13485, individuals interested in conducting first-party or second-party audits, management representatives, internal auditors, managers, consultants.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Choose from our available Open Enrollment dates or request a private training session below.
Learn the concepts of ISO 13485 and how the standard can become a valuable part of your business management system.
Gain a basic understanding of how to establish, analyze and implement effective MSA studies and then use that information to develop a statistical process control (SPC) system.
This course will assist you in transitioning from the AIAG FMEA 4th Edition to the AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook.
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