Mandated by the IAQG to satisfy Foundation Course Training requirements for 9100:2016 AQMS auditor authentication.
This Probitas Authentication Certified course provides attendees the opportunity to satisfy all AQMS Training requirements for Aerospace Auditor (AA) and Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA) authentication in five (5) days versus nine (9) days with other providers.
Based on the Aviation, Space and Defense requirements of AS9100D / 9100:2016 and AS9101F / 9101:2016, this course includes the IAQG-sanctioned 9100:2016 AATT. The IAQG-sanctioned 9100:2016 AATT has been mandated by the IAQG to satisfy the Foundation Course training requirement for 9100:2016 AQMS auditor authentication. This course focuses on how to audit the requirements of 9100:2016 based on the requirements of 9101:2016.
Select a training date and location from the options below.
Online: 15 - 20+ Hours
Instructor-Led: 5 Days
Training and Entry Knowledge
Standard Documents
Online Training (Lead Auditor + 9100 Online Component)
Program Overview
Lead Auditor
Foundations: Understanding 9100 Online Training (Required | 4-6 hours)
This is a prerequisite to attend the Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT) and will help you develop the following competencies:
9100 Forms and Audit Reporting Training (Required | 3-5 hours)
The purpose of this training is to address the requirements of 9100:2016, in the context of a third-party audit, considering the use of 9101:2016 forms and the conformity with 9101:2016 requirements.
Trial Assessment Scenario 1 and 2 & Review (Optional | 2-3 hours)
Each Trial Assessment scenario consists of a single 20-minute scenario, with three question screens, that asks you to evaluate audit evidence and make decisions based on your understanding of 9100:2016 and your ability to use the 9101:2016 forms. Once you complete the scenario, you will be taken to the Trial Assessment Scenario Review module, where the correct answers will be explained along with the rationale.
Instructor-Led Component:
Day 1
Day 2
Evaluation Criteria
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Requirements for Successful Completion
Lead Auditor
The written examination is 2.0 hours in length and comprised of 100 total points.
The types and distribution of questions are as follows:
15% Multiple Choice Questions
85% Essays
Successful completion of the 9100 AATT requires that you achieve a passing score on both the Knowledge and Application Examination.
Knowledge Examination:
The 9100/9101 Knowledge Examination is 1.5 hours in length and has sixty multiple-choice questions. Failure to achieve this score will require a full knowledge retake on the online platform. This retake must be completed in a proctored environment.
Failure to achieve the required score on the Knowledge Examination will require a full knowledge retake.
Application Examination:
Your score for the application section is the combined result of your online application exam (2 hours), interview, and the continuous evaluation during the training class (which includes written reports and oral communication of conclusions regarding the case study material). If the auditor score is:
The online application retake is 2 hours in length and follows the same structure of the final application examination on the 4th day of the training. This retake must be completed in a proctored environment. If the score is lower than 80%, another retake can be done, up to a maximum of two times. Two failures on the application retake will require applying to the entire four-day training again.
Disclaimer Regarding Standards and Translations
To facilitate the 9100 Online Component, selected portions of the 9100:2016 and 9101:2016 standards (including 9101 Forms) are included throughout the program. In addition, viewable versions of the 9100:2009, 9100:2016, 9101:2014, and 9101:2016 standards are also included in the "Standard Explorer" section in the platform to support comparative review between old and new version. Any non-English translations of the standards and forms provided in this training are unofficial and provided for training purposes only. Please contact your local publication body to purchase official (published) version of the applicable standards.
Two certificates will be offered upon the successful completion of all course requirements:
Satisfy one of the requirements to becoming an AS9100 AQMS Auditor with the Probitas Authentication Certified A3 AS9100 Aerospace Industry Specific Course training from Plexus International.
This two-day course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and how to implement all five phases of APQP.
This online training course examines the requirements and intent of each clause/subclause of AS9100D, including audit evidence required to demonstrate conformity to AS9100D requirements.
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